Everything is going good on our front. Logan has not had anymore seizures since his last episode. We see the Neurologist next Wednesday for his EEG.
It has been a month since I last posted. So wanted to say that the kids had a great first day of school. Everyone likes there teachers. The girls are now taking the Bus to and from school so we decided to buy them a cell phone, which I said we would never do. But they wanted to start taking the bus so I felt more comfortable with them having a phone on them. They each have one now. I was wanting to wait for Christmas but it was just to far off. They have been very responsible with it so far.
Logan also takes the bus to and from school. They come right to our house for pick up and drop off. So I love that part.
We bought a new computer we were sick of our old one we had since 2006. So I love our new one. It runs great. We still are using the other computer, the girls play on it. So it is nice having two computers, well nice for me anyway now I can print more coupons :)
Since the girls have started school they have been busy every weekend with birthdays and sleep overs. They have another Birthday party to go to on Monday which I think is kind of weird to have it on a school night it is from 5:45 till 8pm. So they will be going to that one to.
Elizabeth has a Check up with her Asthma Doctor today. Other than that no much has been going on just busy with school and lots of homework.
Thanks for checking in on our family.