Sunday, January 25, 2009

We all had a great weekend, Saturday we headed for the Las Vegas Strip which is were we never go because of all the crazy people :)
Our first stop was M&M World it was pretty neat it has 4 stories and also had an M&M 3D Movie which was pretty cool, of course we had to buy over priced M&M's for the girls I also got a cute Key Chain and Richard found a hat he liked. From there he headed to the Coca Cola Store walked around I wanted to try the different Cola's from around the world but we just got done eating lunch and I did not want to get sick from all that sugar because we had more walking to do. Then we headed over to the MGM Grand to see there Lion Habitat, Could not get any Descent pictures up close because there were so many people. But we got to see two Lions from a distance and the girls also enjoyed that. Sunday we played games all day. It was a very nice and relaxing weekend.

1 comment:

The Portas said...

I'm so glad you guys had such a nice weekend! I bet the girls loved the sights. Vegas, how I love Vegas... You know, Dan and I will be there over Memorial Day weekend. We should all meet at Circus Circus (with Kathy, too!) like we did last year with her!

Hope all is well this week...oxxo