WOW what a day it was, the girls had so much fun and they really made out, Gift cards, Money, Jewelry, Jewelry Boxes. My mom made the girls jewelry boxes they turned out so cute, it is something truly to treasure for years to come. Richard and I got the girls Nintendo WII w/gaming accessories, case and sonic unleashed.
Everyone came and had tons of fun, after 2 1/2 hours of skating the girls were ready to go home bruises and all. We had some family come in from California and after the party we came back to our house and Richard Bar b qued. I was so tired by the end of the day.
Today the kids and I made it out to Church, Logan was in Nursery for 2 hours and he did pretty good, fussed on and off for a little bit but was fine. We came home and Richard just woke up and is getting ready to leave for work, unfortunately he has to work today. Before he left for work he was able to set up the WII for the girls so they are playing with that right now.
Logan is doing great back to his normal self throwing toys and tantrums and being a little cutie pie. His Nurse was able to come over yesterday and watch him so I could concentrate on the girls and there special day.
I also wanted to wish my Husband a Happy Fathers Day. When I look at you being a Dad to our Children my heart swells with gratitude and pride, I feel so blessed to have a Husband like you. I am so thankful that my children are blessed with a Father as caring, thoughtful, and supportive as you. I want to thank you for always putting our children's interest first. We love you from the bottom of our hearts.
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