I posted on my facebook page a few days ago a video of Logan walking YES I said walking, which he is doing 80% of the time now without the use of his walker. He is doing so good, I am just amazed. What a blessing I never thought this day would come. Of course he falls down but gets right back up again and continues to walk. He proved his Doctors wrong :)
His speech is really coming along great he is saying more words every day. As I sit back and reflect on the past and think about what he has been through and what it took to get were we are just amazes me. I thank God every day for the miracle he has given us. His personalty just shines he is always laughing and smiling all the time.. OK I am done bragging about my awesome son :) Also Logan has developed a love of books he loves to be read to, I will sit him in my lap and read several books to him through out the day, He loves it.
Everyone else is doing great. Richard is all better. His reflux has been acting up so he went and had an Upper GI he follows up with his Doctor in two weeks for the results.
Alicia is doing really good in School her grades are improving and her reading is great. She still struggles in Math but we are working on that. And her attitude, she is a real spit fire when she wants to be. She has a tendency to talk back way to much lately.
Elizabeth is doing good she is also struggling in Math, but her reading and comprehension is doing much better.
These past few days every time she goes to scratch herself she develops a rash on her body so I have been giving her Benadryl and that seems to be helping. I have not changed anything in her diet or soap or anything so I have no idea what she is allergic to all of a sudden. She has a Doctors appt with her Allergist next Monday I am hoping they will do a skin test since her last one was almost a year ago.
I am doing good, I have felt stressed out lately because of the kids fighting and arguing so much. They come home from School and it all starts. Elizabeth's Teacher has decided to give everyone in the classroom more homework for some odd reason. So trying to help each one with there homework and Logan trying to get into everything, and trying to cook dinner at the same time has become a challenge for me lately, I have felt very overwhelmed so I am trying to relax and not yell at the kids so much, which can be really hard.
I better get going Logan fell asleep in his feeding chair and it is almost time to tuck everyone into there beds and for me to relax and breathe. Thanks for checking in on our family.