Last week was fun and crazy because it was Spring Break :)
The girls Best Friend Maddie spent the night three days in a row, if that tells you what a crazy week it was. I took them all to see RIO the movie and they loved it, it was very cute. We also made several trips to the park and spent basically our entire Spring Break outside riding bikes and playing. The weather was beautiful. We also had a Barbecue a few times this past week at our house and had our neighbors over, we had a lot of fun.
Logan had a great week also, he got to spent time with Nana while I took the girls to the movies. Logan loved playing at the park and could not get enough of it. When it was time to come in at the end of the day for a Bath he would cry and throw a fit. He loves being outdoors and will go out every chance he gets. Now that he is walking he is always wanting to go outback and play. He is talking so much more and is becoming very vocal about what he wants.
We had a really nice Easter, we woke up Sunday morning and a couple of our neighbors got together and we all went to the park across the street from our house and had an Easter Egg hunt all of the kids were to find 17 plastic eggs each all filled with candy. Logan did not really get into it like I thought he would. The big kids were at the big park and the little kids were at the small park when it came time to find the eggs it was only fare this way. And all Logan wanted to do was go with his sisters to the big park and find eggs with them. So he really did not get into it at all. I was a little bummed but hopefully next year.
My Parents and Brother came over later on and I made a Ham and my Mom brought over some potato salad and jello salad we had beans and rolls and Carrot Cake for dessert. Everything was so good.
Now Monday comes around the corner and it's back to School. Spring Break just flew by. None of the kids wanted to get out of bed yesterday morning. Logan came home from School and fell asleep during his G-Tube feeding he was so tired. The girls came home from School cranky with a bad attitude. So everyone went to bed early last night. Hopefully today will be a better day for everyone......