Tuesday, May 24, 2011

This past weekend we all had a great time. But I am sad to say our next door Neighbor who we are good friends with is moving to Colorado. A couple of families on our block all went over to his Brother's house and had a going away party. Lots of people showed up to wish them well. They will be missed. The girls went swimming all day and Logan just mingled with everyone chatting and dancing he was a hoot.

We are always having block party's on our street will this time it's our turn to host, well actually I volunteered I love having people over. It will be a Memorial/B-day get together. My Dad's Birthday is Saturday, My cousin Jeni is Sunday and my Neighbor's is Monday. So there will be a lot of people over on Sunday. Richard will be Barbecuing Chicken and everyone will bring a dish.

Everyone is doing good around here, Elizabeth is working on her last School project for Social Studies and it is do Friday. I have been helping her I did all the typing, I know don't judge me :)

Logan is a little spit fire. He is like a sponge right now just repeats everything you say. The thing is he has no idea what he is saying and does not understand so we have been doing the best we can in trying to make him understand that we do not say mean words. Like Shut Up. Which he learned from his Sisters. They have been fighting a lot lately and he picks up on that and it has been driving me CRAZY... So I have been trying to learn patience which has been very hard.

I have Logan's I.E.P. meeting this Friday morning with his Teacher, I am really excited to find out how much he has progressed and to make new goals for him. I will let you all know what happens.

Wednesday, May 11, 2011

WOW this School year has really flown by, I can not believe there is only 3 weeks of School left, I am excited about it though. No more Homework, No more getting up early every morning, and a lot less stress. I AM SUPER EXCITED :)

This morning at School we got there early because today was Muffins with Mom day. We got there at 8:15 when they told us to show up and there was already a line and most of the muffins were gone. I got a bagel Alicia got Banana Nut and Elizabeth got Strawberry. Logan did not eat anything because he already had a G-tube feeding and I did not want him to throw up. I ate mine but the girls did not they hate muffins they only wanted to go because of me, which was very sweet. SO off to the cafeteria we went and they ate School Breakfast which i bought them. I was not going to send them to class on an empty stomach.

Two weeks ago Elizabeth received a Citizenship Award for showing outstanding citizenship. She got to eat lunch with the Principal, she also got to pick out a prize and she also received a free lunch at In N Out Burger. I was so proud of her. This is the second time she has received this award.

Alicia is doing very well in School she has shown so much improvement since she started 4th grade. She is really catching on in Math.

Everyone is doing great Logan is learning to walk up the stairs with help, and he is no longer needing the Wheelchair at School which is so exciting. I do bring a umbrella stroller for emergency's. The School requested that I do. When he comes home from taking the Bus he know comes out the front door and uses the step to come down with help of course. But he has come so far since he started School and has made leaps and bounds. We are all so proud of him :)

A weeks ago we decided to get rid of the Swing set because it was old and falling apart and get an above ground pool. The kids love it and want to swim every day. It is 12' feet wide and 36" deep as you can see that is all that will fit in our backyard otherwise we would have gotten a bigger one :)

Most of you know I love to coupon but since "Extreme Couponing" has come on the air I have really gotten back into it. I love to shop so this makes it all better because I can go and buy things and get it mostly for free. Now I am not like the ones you see on TV because here on the West Coast they do not double coupons so I do the best I can and order multiple inserts when I know there will be a good deal. In the morning when the kids are at School I spend a few hours on the computer looking for deals on Coupon boards and then hit the stores. I love it :)

I do have a small stock pile of health and beauty so I am good for awhile. If I could just find good deals on Food and have coupon's to go along with it, I would be great...

Thanks for checking in on our family