It has been over two years since my last post, So much has been going on in my family's life. I have been wanting to start blogging again for myself and my sanity. I feel if I get things out it will help me.
We started Spring Break on March 29th, we decided to go to San Diego, CA and we had so much fun!! Unfortunately my husband got sick so I asked my Mom at the last minute to go with us and I am so glad she did.
We got to visit Legoland, Sea Life Aquarium and San Diego Zoo Safari Park. The kids had a blast.
Unfortunately our trip did not end well. Early Wednesday morning while sleeping I heard Logan coughing around 5am which is not unusual, but then I heard kind of a slurping sound coming from him. I rolled over rubbed on him (he was sleeping with me in bed) and said Logan are you ok? no response I jumped out of bed and turned the light on and noticed he was having a seizure, He had a little Cyanosis. I immediately gave him Diastat rectally and called 911. He was just laying there lifelessly and there was nothing I could do I was so scared. They rushed him to Rady Children's Hospital. It did take a few hours for him to start walking on his own again. He was released that day and we made our way back to Las Vegas. We got home early Thursday morning.
He is acting like his old self again, It just scares me so much when he has seizures. He does have alot of Absent seizures but nothing as bad as the one he had earlier in the week. His last major one was July of last year and he was hospitalized for a week, but at that time I did not have Diastat on hand like I do now. I am so thankful for my wonderful Husband for all of his Love and support and all of my family and friends. I could not get through this without them.
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