Sunday, August 31, 2008

First Off I want to thank all of you Heart Mama's for posting on my blog. I really look forward to getting to know all of you. I am so glad I can connect with people who know what I am going through it is such an awesome thing.
Well Friday was a good day, Logan's nurse came by and watched him for a few hours while I was able to go run errands including Grocery shopping while the girls were in school. Saturday night Richard and I went on a date night. It was really nice we went to a movie and Dinner while my Mom watched the kids. Let me tell you it has been a very long time since we got to do that by ourselves and not with the kids. Richard did feel guilty because the kids were not with us, Since he did have this weekend off he wants to spend every second with them, which I can understand but I needed a well deserved break with just my Husband and it was very nice. Logan is doing good. He took a 4 small bites of stage 2 baby food today, He started to gage so I stopped feeding him before he would throw it up. And bit on the nipple of his sippy cup since he does not know how to suck on it yet. He did throw up twice today but that is pretty good though. I Better get going. I have to turn Logan's feeding pump back on for one last feed tonight. Hope everyone is enjoying there long weekend. Tomorrow I will post more photos of the kids.

Friday, August 29, 2008

OK, I am up right now and it is 1am, Logan woke up crying and he threw up everywhere. I cleaned him up and held him for a little bit.
Since I am up I might as well say how our day went on Thursday. The girls were at school all day and they did good in there classes. Elizabeth has her first school project coming up she has to design a college with pictures of her family and clipping from magazines. It is due next Wednesday I am looking forward to helping her with her project this weekend. Alicia is doing good. She had her first spelling test and did great out of fifteen words she only missed one. She is very good when it comes to her spelling tests, of course I drill her every day.
Logan did good today, he only threw up once and that was just now. He did not take anything by mouth today oh I take that back he did chew on his sippy cup and got a little juice out.
He had Therapy today his developmentalist from N.E.I.S. Michelle comes out to our house twice a week and He just adores her which is very rare for Logan to like somebody. He was laying on his side and Michelle gave him a little push and then he was on his tummy, he actually for the first time pulled his left arm out from under neath him and brought it forward I was so excited that was the first time he has ever done that. Next she gave him a little nudge and he rolled on the other side and pulled his right arm out. I am very happy to see him pulling his arms out from underneath him. Being his left side of his body is very week this was a HUGE step for him. Other than that, that was my day. Well Logan is finally asleep so I am going back to bed now. Goodnight