This morning Logan had Physical Therapy, we came home got dressed for swimming classes forgot my camera and headed out the door, came home changed again headed back out to the Hospital this time to Pre-Register Logan for his Tongue Tie Surgery Wednesday. Which we were there for most of the day. They were so busy it was ridiculous.
While waiting in the lobby to fill out paper work this older lady was sitting next to us and Logan decides to be very friendly by telling this Women Hi over and over about 25 times. This poor lady is saying Hi back to him. She is probably thinking is this boy every going to stop saying hi to me.
We finally get called back and by now it is later on in the afternoon and Logan has not had a nap and is starting to get very cranky I was able to calm him down he fell asleep in his stroller for 20 minuets. Then he wakes up and starts to cry and that turned into a tantrum of screaming at the top of his lungs for 35 minutes I am not kidding the boy did not give up, I almost started crying myself I was so frustrated. I was trying to stay calm for him and I think I did a pretty good job considering.
I held him in my arms the entire time he threw his tantrum. There was no where to put him. We were finally done filling out the paper work and he is starting to calm down I put him in his stroller and he looks up at the man sitting at the desk and Logan gives him this huge smile, I was like you little *&%$.
I was so mad after he just had this massive tantrum and then he goes and smiles at this stranger.
So that is how my day went.
So that is how my day went.
I had a pretty good weekend, I took the girls to get there Birthday pictures taken at Picture People I just love them they take really good pics. They will be turning eight on the 19th. How they grow so fast. Here are a couple of pictures that were taken. I will be posting more every day this week. Because of copy right the word Zazzle is on all the pictures but you can still get a good look at them.
Richard worked all weekend long again, he is working every chance he gets. So we went over my Mom's house it was my Brother's 35th Birthday and we celebrated it over there all day.
Tomorrow the girls having swimming lessons again so I will remember to bring my camera and take some pictures. Elizabeth is in beginners class and Alicia is in Intermediate class they both love to swim and had a great time. It is only a 2 week course Mon-Thur for 30 minutes. So I have signed them up again in July.
1 comment:
The pics turned out GREAT. Sooo super cute. Happy early birthday to them!
I just hate long days in the hospital. :( And I can relate to you with the tantrums in public lately. Maybe Elijah is giving Logan Tantrum Lessons? Because he is the King of Tantrums these days.
We will pray for the surgery to go smoothly tomorrow! Hang in there..xo
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