Monday, June 8, 2009

Today was a pretty low key day which I am so glad for. This morning Logan had Physical Therapy out in the community, they are working on getting him to put pressure on his feet. His legs are very week.
Logan has Physical Therapy four times a week. Twice in the community and twice in our home were his Developmental Specialist comes over and works with him. I am wanting all this extra Therapy before he has to go in for his Heart Surgery, Because he will have a mild set back he always does. Plus it is helping him he is doing so good. I never make both appointments on the same day.

I finally had a chance to clean my entire house and catch up on Laundry.
Everyone is doing great and healthy.


The Portas said...

It's so great that Logan is getting all of that help (Elijah has the weak noodle legs, too). Way to be on top of things, Mama! Nice job getting your laundry done, too!

CouponChic said...
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Kathy said...

I left a comment under my coupon name.. said I wish we had therapy that often.
I don't think they like us!

Thanks for coming to Eli's party...glad the girls had fun!