Monday, September 7, 2009

This long weekend just flew by.
Saturday we went to Best Buy and bought all new Appliances for the new house.
Sunday we went window shopping all day and Monday we went to R.C. Willey and bought new Carpet for the new house then we headed on over to Home Depot and bought 6 new ceiling fans for all the rooms and a pretty new Chandelier for the living room. I had a really nice weekend because I love to shop, of course everything we bought is going for the new house which is great.

The girls were bored of course because we were in and out of alot of different stores, I am still trying to teach the girls that shopping is a fun thing but I guess they are still to young to enjoy.

Logan is doing great, but we did have a bad night Saturday night. Every once in awhile he will wake up during the night just screaming for about 2 hours nothing you do can calm him down, then all of a sudden it's like he just snaps out of it, he will stop screaming and just look at you. I think he is having night terrors/bad dreams they are so bad.

Also I found out tonight Logan loves to help mommy with the laundry, he is such a big helper he will tip the basket up side down and then throw all of the clothes across the room and when I go and retrieve them and put them back in the basket he will sit there and laugh at me. He will do this several times up until all the laundry is folded. Isn't my son so sweet.


Kathy said...

Did you find any goodies at my Michael's??

I'm headed off to Target tomorrow (if my sick kiddo, i'll let you know if there's anything good)

I bet Logan is having bad dreams. You know that we were in a research study at Stanford last time and that's what they were studying is the nightmares the kids have from all the meds during and after surgeries.
(not nice to know now...huh??_)

just give him the remote control to sleep with...then, he can turn on the tube when he wakes up and watch gabba gabba.

and those girls...not liking to shop?? They need an intervention...NOW! As soon as i'm better..we'll schedule it!!!

The Portas said...

Oh fun, shopping for new house stuff! I'm glad you're getting things crossed off your list. Getting into your new place will feel sooo nice.

We have dealt with the bad dream thing (we think) with Elijah, too. Poor little guys. I can't blame them for carrying those scary things with them after such traumatic events. I guess all we can do is show consistent comfort and hope that the dreams go away.

Happy shopping and I hope you guys have a good week! xo