Thursday, January 7, 2010

Alicia stayed home from school again today, Last night when she was about to go to bed she threw up and she was having Diarrhea all day yesterday. She is doing alot better and everything has gone away. So she will be going back to school tomorrow, I am just glad that is was a 24 hour bug. She never had a fever which was good. I am just glad she is feeling better.

Now on to Logan, I have been having a really hard time with him lately. Logan gets a nap almost everyday. He will take about a 3 hour nap which I think is great. When he does not get a nap he is a monster at night very hard to deal with. Well these past few weeks even though he has gotten a nap he will still wake up a couple of times during the night Just screaming, screaming so hard that he chokes and gags. I always try and comfort him change his diaper and do some more comforting and he wants no part of me at all. He will hit me, bang his head on my shoulder and will do everything he can to get out of my arms, I have almost dropped him that is how bad he gets. He has been like this for about a year now it was getting better, but has started up again. When I saw the Neurologist the other day I told her about what happens and she said try giving him Melatonin not every night just when you know he is going to have a bad night. Well that is every night.
So He was not able to get a nap in the other day because of Appointments all day so I gave him 1mg he did wake up but the screaming was not that bad and I was able to comfort him and put him back to sleep, now I don't know if it was the Melatonin or just a coincidence.
Logan is on a schedule and I always stick by it, every day he is up at 7am takes a nap around 11:30 and always goes to bed at 8pm. I just feel so bad that there is nothing I can do for him and he wants nothing to do with me.
I swear he reminds me of an Autistic Child when he has these fits at night.

Thanks for checking in on our family.


The Portas said...

Oh no, this doesn't sound fun for anyone! I'm so sorry to hear you guys are dealing with this. Is there something else that would soothe him? I'm sure you've thought of everything. Could he be having some sort of night terror? It seems like if this behavior is only happening during the night, it has to be related to his sleep in some way.

I hope Alicia feels better! HAve a great weekend. xo

Jeannie said...

I was thinking maybe night terrors too. Does he seem like he is really out of it and does it stop as abruptly as it starts?