Tuesday, March 16, 2010

This past week has been busy busy busy. Sorry for the lack of posts, I will stop being such a slacker.

Richard was finally able to go back to work Wednesday night only to have Friday nights run cut because of no freight, he was able to go to St. George, UT so that was some miles. Since there was no work this past weekend he is hoping to work this coming weekend because God knows we need it.
Logan's Nutritionist from Nevada Early Intervention put him on a 60 hour diet no Formula G-Tube feedings everything is by mouth only with the exception of Pedialyte by G-tube so he will not get dehydrated and he is doing just as I expected he would not that good. Well for him he is doing OK I guess eating very very small portions just like he would as if he was getting formula by G-Tube. Shirley wanted to see how he would do if he would eat any more by mouth and he is pretty much eating the same. I Gave him alot of MCT Powder to help him gain a pound before putting him on this Diet because I new he was going to loose that pound when this is all done. He will go back to his regular Formula feedings Wednesday morning @ 7am.

Logan has a Combined Therapy Session/Play Date with Isaac another Heart Baby I know. Friday Logan goes back to his Regular Therapy sessions I cancelled today because with not eating I thought he would be to weak.

Other than that everything is pretty much the same, Girls fighting/arguing everyday when they come home from school until they go to bed and Logan throwing tantrums when he does not get his way. Oh how I love my life :)
I keep on forgetting to post Elizabeth's Pictures from her Willy Wonka and The Chocolate Factory Program. They made candy machines and they turned out so cute.

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