Thursday, April 22, 2010

Yesterday and Today the girls had Activity Day Camp at Church from 4:00 to 7:15pm. They are having such a great time they eat dinner there and they have lots of activities for them to do Yesterday they made a Marshmallow gun, Tie Die T-shirt with the Primary Colors Blue, Red and Yellow. They also put a plant in a two liter bottle, Then they made some blocks and colored them. Today they have five more activities they will be doing I cannot remember them all. It is a learning experience for them.

Logan is so funny, Huggies Pull Ups has this song that comes on the T.V. called "Do the Potty Dance" and every time it comes on he dances to it the best he can, I took a video of it this morning he is to funny. He comes scooting to the T.V. every time he hears it. Don't forget to turn up the sound... Sorry I did not have the T.V. up loud enough.

1 comment:

The Portas said...

We are loving this video! Elijah keeps giggling his little head off. :) Soooo cute. Hope you all are having a great weekend!