Tuesday, May 18, 2010

I have been really busy with the kids and school stuff. Wednesday night the girls are both in a School Play called The Cheetah And The Sloth. I will try and get some good pictures. They also have another School play next week.
So they have been going to a lot of Dress Rehearsals, and I have been one busy Mom.
Logan had Speech and O.T. today he did very good, he has been going in the room by himself for the past few weeks and no crying. I think we have reached a mile stone here.

After Sacrament Sunday at Church I decided to take Logan to the Nursery to see how he would do. I stayed there for about 15 minuets and then I left to go to my class. He did great for about 45 minutes then he started to cry so I went in there and stayed the rest of the time. It was around 1pm and he started to throw a tantrum and it was also nap time that is probably why he started to cry. But the time he was in there was for a good period I was so happy he did so well for being his first time in there.

Alicia had a Doctor's Appt. today we are trying to find the right meds for her for her A.D.D. This will be our third time trying a different medication. He put her on Concerta so we will see what happens.

Here is a cute video of Logan laughing when the girls were rolling a slinky down the stairs. This was last week.

1 comment:

The Portas said...

Hey busy mama! I love the video and I love Logan's cute laugh. :) I hope the rest of your week is a bit more calm!!