Friday, June 4, 2010

Well Memorial Day was the day the heat began. We have had such nice weather all Spring and now it is ALL OVER Saturday it will be 107. OK I will admit I am very spoiled when it comes to the A.C. I DO NOT GO OUTSIDE... I get up early and try my best to get everything done in the morning before 11am. I love the A.C. and it loves me.... Well Thursday it was only 98 so late in the afternoon under our big umbrella I took Logan outside and he went in his kiddie pool for about an hour, he loves the water and could stay in it all day if I let him. He did not have a nap this day and was up at 5:30am, so at the end of the day he was so tired (See photos above)

Every Friday our Church has Activity days with the toddlers and today it was at someones house and they have a nice big pool. We swam for 2 hours with lots of sun tan lotion on. The girls had a blast and Logan and I also had a great time. Nobody got burnt except right under Logan's eyes is a little red but he is just fine.

Saturday Logan's respite nurse is coming over and I will be doing lots of running around, It will be so easy. Let me tell you Logan is getting so big he now weighs 30 lbs 4oz. It is really becoming hard to carry him around everywhere, sure I use a stroller but at home I cannot. By the end of the day my right arm and back are just killing me. So when his nurse has a chance to come over and watch him I am so thankful. The girls also want to come with me. They have been saving up there allowance and want to buy some girly things.

1 comment:

The Portas said...

Oh my goodness, these photos of Logan made me laugh so hard! Stay cool!