Not much has been going on in our household this past week, which is great. love it when it is quite. The girls have been playing with there friends, enjoying there last week of freedom before School starts August 30th.
We went out to Dinner last night at Chili's and we decided to order Logan some Mac & Cheese from the children's menu. He drank 2 1/2 oz of juice by mouth threw a straw and ate more than a half cup of Mac & Cheese, he did so good and he was able to keep it all in. We were so excited. The other day for lunch he ate half PB&J sandwich. he is really starting to get this eating down pretty good. He will no longer chew on his sippy cup to get juice out he loves drinking from a straw. But he does not know how to suck on his sippy cup to get juice out, I don't understand that one. But I guess it is easier to suck threw a straw than a sippy cup. So I will be going to the store to get the sippy cup that has a straw in it for him to dink out of for School and home use. We are just so excited at how much progress he is making when it comes to eating and drinking.
1 comment:
Quietness is very good! I hope it stays that way for you guys for a while. YAY on all the eating, Logan! That is super exciting.
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