Wednesday, August 4, 2010

Today there were no Appointments. YEAH.. Just lounging around and cutting my coupons :)
The girls played with there friends all day, While Logan destroyed the house..

So Richard started his new run Monday night were he is home every other day, And every other week he has two days off in a row. It was been really hard. Sure it is a lot more miles, but it does not compare to how much we all miss him. He could have taken a different run but it did not guarantee him working every day and this run does. I love him so much for sacrificing for his family, There is nothing he would not do for us. That is why I love him so much... It makes me sad but I cherish every moment we have together.

Logan is doing great, His Birthday is Sunday and he will be turning 3. Logan has brought such joy into our lives and we thank god everyday for this wonderful miracle. I cannot believe he is going to be three, it seems like just yesterday he was lying on that Hospital bed having open heart surgery. We are having an Elmo Birthday party just a small get together with my parents.

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