Thursday, September 4, 2008

We just got back from the Geneticist and I wanted to post while I have everything fresh in my head. Logan has already had the normal chromosomes checked and the fish 22, when he was a baby. He does have Heterotaxy which I already new. Basically everything the doctor told me I already new so I guess that is good. I asked him allot of Heart Baby's have Di George does he look like he has it. The Doctor said he does carry some of the trates but it did not show on his fish 22 chromosome test. BUT that he could have it from his 10 chromosome. He did order some blood work to check the other chromosomes and for Di George and to see if he has anything else that will show up. That's about it. I had to call the Insurance company to see if they will cover some or any of the testing so I am waiting back to hear from them. I hear the testing is very expensive. I gave my entire history of my family and we have no idea how he got this Heart Condition, I was also told if it is a Gene problem my daughters could carry it and pass it on to there children. We just have to wait and see what the test will show. As soon as I hear from the Insurance I will take him to the Hospital and have the test done. It will take 2-3 months before I hear anything. The hard part is waiting.

Also we have an Appt for Logan to have a Scope done Sept, 19th Friday we have to be there at 6:30am at Sunrise Children's Hospital. His Gastric Doctor thinks it will be a good idea. We will be able to find out what is going on inside of his tummy.
Now all we can do is Pray.


The Portas said...

So the geneticist is saying that Logan could possibly have digeorge, even though the 22nd chromosome was fine on his orginal testing? Interesting, I didn't know this. As far as physical features go, I don't see any digeorge characteristics. It will be good to get the testing done and find out for sure. Insurance companies are always fun to talk to, aren't they? Good luck!! HAve a great weekend. xooxxo

Kathy said...

I'm glad that they're doing new blood work...sorry you have to wait. our line of work...that's just what we isn't it!

Hope you had fun today getting out...we'll have to get together next week (if my worm will stop coughing!)
have a good weekend!

Samantha said...

I know that the waiting is hard on those tests! I will keep good thoughts for you all that the tests come back good. It was great catching the pictures you posted...Logan is a cutie pie!

Hang in there!!! Enjoy your weekend.


Unknown said...

This is the second time I've heard about DiGeorge possibly coming from the chromosome 10. Interesting...I'll have to start researching this more.

Was Logan born with a thymus?

I know the hardest part is waiting.

Hope you all have a wonderful weekend!