Thursday, October 2, 2008

Well O.T went very well for mister Logan, he was very good for Robert he smiled at him tried to grab his foot and pull on his shirt. He sat up very good for a couple of seconds with out any support, He is slowly getting there. I am so proud of him :)
We went and so our Cardiologist today Dr. Acherman who we love so much. Logan had an EKG and an ECHO his Sat's are 85 which are perfect for Logan. His ECHO showed that is Heart Valve is still leaking mildly and that we are looking at having his next Heart surgery in 6 months to a year. If his Saturation's happen to drop below 80 then they will operate immediately. Dr. Acherman did take him off of 2 meds, Furosemide and Digoxin for a month. We go back on October 31st to have another Echo but with Sedation this time he wants to see how his heart will do being off of these medications for a month, also because he just screamed the whole time. He needs him a little calmer so he can see what happens. I am curious to see how Logan does with out having any Lasix to help him Pee.
Tomorrow is no school for the girls it is staff development day. So Elizabeth will be going to the ENT (ear nose & throat Doc) in the morning to see if she needs tubs put back in her ears. It has been 4 years since her last set was put in. She has just been having so many ear infections and fluid in her ears her pediatrician wanted her to see a specialist. I don't know what is causing this though, maybe because her asthma is getting worse as she gets older who knows. I better get going I have to put the girls to bed, I let them stay up late because of no school.
Lots of hugs Karen


Jeannie said...

Good job Logan! I have mixed feelings about these staff development days but Dane will be happy to have the big kids to play with during the day.

Tina:0) said...

Glad for the good appointment. Isn't it nice when they're taken off meds?! As for the sedated echo's... we've been there before. Vaeh would always scream for her's until after her complete repair!

Have fun with the girls out of school for a day!

Kathy said...

YEAH for Logan!!!
oh...I should have gone with you to see Dr. Acherman...Mr. Sweetie pie!
Stinkin' valves. I hope he gets to wait a year before he needs that replaced.

We haven't had a sedated echo yet...because Isaac's such a tv junkie..he just watches the tv and is oblivious to what the docs are doing.

OH..what ENT did you go to?? you like them???

Have a good weekend!


The Portas said...

I'm so glad you were able to drop two meds! That is wonderful news! We'll be praying that his little body does just fine without those things. I remember feeling weird about dropping the lasix, but everything worked out just fine.