Wednesday, November 5, 2008

OK So now I have a new Water Heater and it works great finally hot water you never know how much you use hot water until it is gone. 2 days without hot water, I have so much laundry to do and dishes.
I will be up @5am to take Elizabeth to the hospital as an outpatient to have her adenoids taken out and tubes put in her ears, she is looking forward to no school for 2 days I told her you are going to wish you in school trust me child....
I am not sure what is going on with Logan he has me worried, He has another tooth coming in which is normal ok he has also had a slight fever 100.5 for a few days and now he is starting to throw up every feed which is normal but not when I had pedialite to it. I do 2 oz of pedi and 4 oz of formula through his G-tube when he is almost done with his feed he will throw it all up so with only an ounce or so left I finish giving it to him then he throws that up. He has never thrown up 2 during the same feed. So his next feed is at 7pm and I will do all pedialite and see what happens. I might have to call the doctor tomorrow. I just hope he keeps his food down, I do not want a trip to the hospital for dehydration. Any suggestions??? Thanks for your input.


The Portas said...

I don't have any suggestions on feeds, but I will sure be praying that things turn around and nothing serious is wrong with your munchkin man. Keep us posted. We'll be praying!

Kathy said...

You know...when Isaac would do that...I'd just give him straight pedialyte for a day or two. If he's getting sick..that will cause him to throw up. Even if it's teething, the extra saliva and slight fever (which causes a higher heart rate) will cause throwing up. He's not going to starve or lose, if he's still throwing up twice with a feed...just give only pedialyte.
That's straight from Dr. Roller's mouth!

Call me if you need anything!