The girls brought home there report cards and I was not happy at all they are both failing Math, Alicia is doing good in reading and writing. But Elizabeth struggles and is below grade average. I will be working very hard on both of them to pick up there grades. I will be calling the school here in a little bit to set up an appt with the Principal to talk about Elizabeth and why she is not be pulled out for special Ed. I am just so tired of this you know I have told them before in the past that she needs extra help and nothing seems to be getting done so I told Richard he needs to come in and say something maybe with both parents there they know we mean business. Last night Richard was eating some candy and Logan was getting mad because he wanted some so Richard gave him a Hershey's Chocolate bar a mini one to chew on, well Richard leaves the room and I am playing a game with the girls at the Kitchen table. When we are done I go and get on the floor to play with Logan and I notice he has chocolate all over his face, hands and shirt....
He was chewing on it so much that the chocolate and gotten through the wrapper. Boy was he made when I took it away. I cleaned him up and gave him his soft ball and he threw it across the room and started screaming at me. It was so funny. Here are some pictures. Enjoy......
I'd be mad at you too if you took away my chocolate!! That is too cute. Glad things are boring over there.
OH..give him his chocolate back! Don't you know how many CALORIES are in that mini bar!!! Just a few of those...and you could skip a tube feeding!
OH..sorry that the girls aren't getting the help they need in math:( That was my little Chris. I had to go to school almost everyday to ensure that he got the attention and help he needed...
That wouldn't even be possible, I'm SO glad that Eli doesn't need me at school.
Let me know if you need help with Logan so that you can go to school..I'll put both boys in their boucny seats and let them look at each other!
I LOVE the chocolate face! That is great.
I hope your girls start getting the attention they need in school. March in there and make them listen to you! :)
I hope you guys are having a good day! xoxo
Give him that chocolate back! I'm with Kathy - calories, calories, calories!!
Hope the girls are getting some help. The school here doesn't want to see me coming if my girls have trouble & aren't getting help!
Just my two cents on the girls needing help in school. When you talk to the principal, you need to ask for an evaluation to see if either of them need either an 504 plan or an IEP (individualized education plan). The school psychologist/counselor will do lots of evaluations to see what services they need. Do not let them tell you they don't need it without doing the evaluations. If they need assistance, the best time to get the plans in place is in elementary school. My youngest started out with a 504 (named for the section of the federal law) plan in 4th grade and we moved him up to an IEP in 5th. It moved with him to middle school and it has been so helpful. He may not even need an IEP next year.
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