Thursday, December 18, 2008

Not much new to report the Girls ended up having a Snow Day because of the Snow Storm yesterday ( I will never say that again) but I think they could have gone to school. I mean all of the snow was melted by morning. I was watching the news and they said this day they got off today was not for free so I guess when ever the next Staff Development day is they were supposed to have off they will end up going to school instead. They were able to play in it a little this morning until it all melted away, It was in the low 40's today but that Sun was out all day nice and bright. They will be going back to school in the morning, This week is spirit week and Friday is Pajama Day so they will be wearing there P.J's and they are supposed to bring a pillow to school and they are going to Frost cookies and watch Polar Bear Express all day long. Why even bother to go to school but then again it does get them out of my hair all day:) They start there two week vacation break tomorrow until January 5th. I am going to have to call Kathy up and bring over my kids so they can play with Eli :)
And Here in Henderson we got about 7" of Snow at our house. That is something I will never forget, I was like a kid in a candy store. I was so excited all day long to watch it snow. I have not seen it Snow like that since I left Dallas, TX 5 Years ago.


Kathy said...

Look at that Logan..just chillin' will have to bring the kids over!

They are going to drive you BONKERS...I know Eli has driven me past bonkers...I don't know how he talks so much all day!

The Portas said...

Snow is everywhere! Even in Vegas...Seattle...Texas... weird!

I'm glad the kids had fun playing in it while it lasted.

Thanks for the pics! I love how Logan just looks like he's lounging around...nothing to do.. He and Elijah would lounge well together. :)

Have a great week!! oxoxo