Well so much as gone on this week first I went to my O.B for my yearly checkup everything was fine and then I proceed to tell the Doctor that I have been having some Very Heavy Menstrual bleeding for the past 15 months, Ever since Logan was Born. He told me that I have Menorrhagia So I have to have Surgery in January. I go in next Tuesday to have a Pelvic Ultrasound to see if anything else is wrong with me. There are several options I can take when having Surgery but there are two of them I am going to decide on but not sure which one yet, I will talk to the Doctor when I see him Next Wednesday for the results of the Ultrasound. He said I can have a Hysterectomy and only remove my Uterus or an Endometrial Ablation which removes the Lining of the uterus with a laser. So for now I wait until Next week.
Yesterday I had a meeting with the Teacher and we discussed both Girls, I was told that I can no longer ask for a full assessment because I will be denied because of the state budget. So the only thing I can do now is ask for a 504 plan also Elizabeth most likely has Dyslexia she will hopefully be tested very soon I think she is by the way she does her homework and the Teacher feels the same way. I have another meeting with the Teacher, Principle and other staff members on December 15th and I plan on pushing them for everything they got. I was so mad at the meeting it really makes me sick. She said that the school will not help my kids because they are showing improvement, well of course they are, they get one on one help every single day, you take that away from them and they will fail very quickly. It all just makes me sick..
Richard's work is not doing so well, most of the workers are Union so if the union workers do not take a 10% pay cut they will close the doors, if they do then every one that is non-union will also take a pay cut we just do not know how much. We will find out hopefully next week so regardless Richard will be taking a pay cut, I would rather that happen then him loose his job. He works for USF Reddaway who is owned by Yellow Roadway Corp. and they are worldwide so that is alot of people unemployed.
Logan is doind good still has a runny nose, I fed him some greens beans stage 2 and he took about 7 bites and then I gave him a cookie and cheese puff from toddler Gradutes he tries so hard to pick it up and hold it in his hand, so Elizabeth is helping him eat it.I have to get going have lots of housework to do. I hope everyone has a nice weekend
Hi there,
I had the same problem with heavy bleeding as you now have.
I had the endometrial ablation done that is called HTA. I have been virtually period free for over a year with no issues.
The only thing is that I cannot have any more children because of this procedure :(
Here is some info: http://www.uterus1.com/care/uterusprocedure20.cfm/15?CFID=25368924&CFTOKEN=49449887
Gosh..you have a lot going on...I'll have to call you this week!
I would like to have that ablation done...one year period free..sign me up...maybe we could be roommates in recovery!
I'm glad that Logan's feeling better...hope his snot dries up soon!
and the girls...GEEZ...the school system REALLY bugs me here. I told you that I had to pull Chris out of school and home-school him for 3 years to catch him up....GOOD LUCK!
I'm so sorry your dealing with so much right now. I'm sure you'll make the best decision.
I was just going to suggest homeschooling then saw Kathy's message. It's something to consider.
Lots to pray for for you guys...and you can definitely count on us for that. This bad economy sure affects a lot of things, doesn't it? It scares me.
HUGS to you!!! xoxo
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