Logan had his RSV Shot Yesterday and he was very cranky even though he had a 2 hour nap and slept, when it was time for bed he was up every hour just screaming. He woke up this morning in a much better mood.
We went to see the Neurologist this morning for a check up and Dr. Maller labeled him as having Cerebral Palsy she was finally able to diagnose him. Because he not walking or crawling or rolling over (he only rolls over accidentally and that is if he can not reach something, so he is only rolling to his stomach about 4 times a week). His Trunk control is still very week and he can only sit up for a couple of minutes when he is happy and wants to. Because of all of this and he is now 18 months old she had to label him as having C.P. I did tell her that Logan does scoot on his back alot to get everywhere and she was telling me that alot of C.P. Kids do that. We go back in 6 months when he is 2 years old and more than likely she said, she will have another Diagnose for him if he does not get better, this also includes speech. I am very sad about this but I new it was coming sooner or later.
I am officially sick. I am starting to loose my voice, coughing alot, runny nose and I am really really tired. This is why I hate the Winter we just pass around our sickness here.
Thanks for checking in on us.
oh..I was going to pick up the phone and call you...until I kept reading that you're losing your voice and coughing.
Do you need anything?? I'm FREE tomorrow!
ok...we have to talk about this cp diagnosis. Nora told me that cp kids are rigid and can't move their limbs alot...opposite of mr. flexible Isaac. But, I haven't noticed that Logan is still and hard to move his limbs...is he?? oh..it's so darn frustrating.
and I think that cp is a diagnosis that confirms soc sec..so, you're still in there with that.
call me when you get your voice back and don't cough up a lung when you talk!
It sounds like she wasn't certain that's what Logan has. It's a little irritating to me when doctors diagnose something, BUT they aren't sure. We got an uncertain scary diagnosis once and I worried so much about it! It turned out fine, but I was so mad at that dr for causing so many gray hairs to sprout on my head! Whatever happens, your little pumpkin is just the sweetest...
I'm so sorry you're sick. NOOooo! Get better quickly. The mama isn't allowed to catch sickness. oxoxo
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