Wednesday, February 11, 2009

It has been another crazy week. Richard has been home since Saturday he is not doing well, When Richard gets stressed out he gets bumps on his body this one happens to be on his upper Leg. With out being to gross and get into to much detail it got infected and I took him to the doctor on Monday and they put a Drain tub in to help it drain. He is on Antibiotics and Pain Killers. We go back today for a checkup. He has a hard time walking/sleeping/sitting down, because he is in so much pain. I am thinking he will not be able to go back to work until Monday we will find out today.
The girls are doing great they are almost 100% better. Logan is still coughing away and sounds awful, he has been having Diarrhea 2-3 times a day which is very unusual for him. And because of all the congestion he is not eating by mouth. I hate it when he is sick he always regresses because he can not eat by mouth and have no therapy because he is not feeling well.
I actually got a chance to do some cleaning while Richard has been around. I am very proud of myself I cleaned all of upstairs yesterday and will try and clean down stairs sometime this week.
So this week I have been cleaning doing lots of Laundry and taking care of my 4 kids ha ha...


Ashley said...

I have heard of people getting bumps too from being stressed. Isn't that strange how are bodies are effected by our stress. I hope he feels better, Im sure it hurts!!

Kathy said...

stop stressing him out Karen!!!

poor guys in your house...hope you can get them all fixed up!

oh...and I DO need help organizing my junk house. hurry and get Logan fixed up so that we can have a play date.1

The Portas said...

Oh no, Richard! I hope the stress lessens and the bumps go away and everyone in the house is feeling better SOON! You guys deserve a big long break. Tell Logan that Elijah is a cough monster right along with him. Fell better, boys! And stay healthy, girls! xoxo

Kelly said...

Yikes! I hope everyone starts feeling better soon! It's never fun trying to take care of sickies!