Wednesday, February 4, 2009

Logan has RSV again :(

OK, I am very exhausted it has been a crazy week. The Girls have not been feeling will since this weekend just a really bad cough no fever until Yesterday Alicia was running a fever of about 101.2 so I kept her home from school on Tuesday and this morning when she woke up her fever was gone so Off to school she went. Both girls still have a very bad cough but If I kept them home for that they would be home for 2 weeks.
Yesterday I took Logan to see his G.I Surgeon Dr. Hendrickson for a checkup to see if they needed to do an Upper GI to see if his Hernia has gotten any bigger she said she did not want to give him any more Radiation than needed because he has been through so much. If he is not throwing up and he is gaining weight lets hold off for 6 months to a Year and see what happens.
She also mentioned doing surgery for his tongue, his tongue is tied and has been since Birth (very short tongue) So sometime in the next year or so she will go in to fix it just snip it under neath, if not this will cause speech delays.
OK now for the Fun part (not really) Logan woke up this morning coughing and it sounds pretty bad so I call the peds and make an appt for today and guess what RSV, so I have him on Singular, Albuterol and Pulmicort I am hoping the cough does not get any worse if so I have to bring him back in for a Steroid shot. I am just glad I took him as soon as I heard him coughing, Every time he gets a little sick I always take him in ASAP you never now with him and his Heart.

OK now for Elizabeth, she has an Appt to see her Asthma Doc tomorrow I have been giving her Orapred and her last dose I gave her was Tuesday night well I am all out so I am hoping he will refill it there is no reason why he should not, I am doing everything I can to keep her out of the Hospital. If it was not for the Orapred I would have had to make an E.R. visit. She is on every Asthma Medication she can be on and her chest is still contracting, Thanks to her Steroids that has been really helping her.
You can now see why I am exhausted getting up several times during the night because the kids wake me up and then checking on all of them to make sure they are ok, I really worry about all of them and that keeps me up at night.


Jeannie said...

So sorry to hear everyone is sick. This year has been bad with so many bugs going around!

The Portas said...

Oh man! What a week. I can imagine that you must be just drained, caring for and worrying about all these little sick kiddos. :( Once they are healthy, bring your kids to me for a few days and I will shoo you away so you can have peaceful alone time!

Get those little ones feeling better. I'll send up some prayers!! xxoo

Kathy said...

Good luck this week.

Tina:0) said...

These bugs going around need to find somewhere else to go!!

Sounds like you've had quite an exhausting week... give 'em all a konk on the head & take a nap yourself - LoL!!!

Praying you're all feeling better soon!!

Tina:0) said...

I left something for you on Vaeh's blog...