Friday, March 13, 2009

Just a quick post to let everyone know how we are doing.

Elizabeth is getting much better, her fever has finally dropped around 99.0 and has been that way all day. Her Asthma on the other hand is still bothering her we are doing breathing treatment's every four hours. Everyone else is doing great.

I got a call from the School Physiologist today, he was wanting to set up a meeting with me to discuss the girls test results. I asked him call you tell me if they were going to be able to be pulled out for Special Ed classes. He said Yes but could not tell me for what classes math or reading or?? I will find out more on March 25th.
So I am very excited about this they are finally going to be able to get the help they DESERVE.
It took me awhile but I finally got what I wanted for my Girls.

My Mom came over today to watch Elizabeth and Logan all day while I did some Grocery Shopping. I hit up Walmart for the basics. Then headed on over to Smith's they are having a great sale. Then on over to Sam's Club I get all my frozen foods there. Came home put everything away had something to eat then headed back out to pick up Alicia from School. Came home and did alot of Yard work out back, It was badly needed pulled weeds trimmed bushes and trees, pulled up deed grass. Tomorrow we will lay down the Sod. We have lived in the house for 3 years now and every spring we are always laying down new Sod in certain parts of the backyard. I wish I had Kathy's backyard they have fake Grass, Of course this will only be in my dreams..... Hope everyone has a great weekend!


Kathy said...

you know that they sell fake grass at home depot now...find a coupon!

glad the girls will get more help at school..that has to just drive you bonkers!

ok...the germs are gone from my about yours?? wanna schedule a play date??

The Portas said...

I'm so glad Elizabeth is feeling better. Now, all of you stay healthy!!

That's so wonderful that you pushed to get your girls the help they need at school. What a good mama...your efforts paid off!