Tuesday, March 24, 2009

Just a quick update. Everyone is doing great. I have the meeting with the school tomorrow to find out which classes the girls will be going to for Special Ed.
Also Shirley and Amy from N.E.I.S will be coming by Shirley is the Nutritionist she will be weighing and Measuring Logan to see if he gained any weight since last month, I am hoping so.

I am finally able to give Logan baths again His Dermatologist said to try it out for a few weeks to see how he does. I am hoping his Eczema does not get worse.
So this is the second bath I have given him this week and every time I have given him a bath he cries when I take him out, Yes I said cry when I take him out. This is coming from a boy that screamed when I put him in... So I let him play for a couple of minuets until his lips started to quiver then is was time to get out. I am so glad he is finally used to the water. I cannot wait for summer time to come so I can buy him a little pool. I might even enroll him in a Mommy and me class for toddlers to learn how to swim.


The Portas said...

He looks so cute sitting there in the bath! I'm so glad he is finally used to the water and liking it! Swimming is in his future. :)

I hope you guys are having a good day! oxox

Kathy said...

Look at him sitting up...
don't you just want to cry?!?!?

I hope he's gained weight..
I'm still putting Isaac in the kitchen sink...I suppose I should start taking him upstairs to the big tub!

Tina:0) said...

OMGosh!! What a cutie pie?!! I just love bath time shots... the cutest!

Sounds like you all have been busy?! Hopefully you get a few moments to relax & take in some sunshine!!

Sorry I haven't been checking in lately... I think my mind is still jumbled from everyone in the house being sick:0)

Hope you all can have a nice relaxing weekend this coming one... they're calling for snow again here in Ohio:0( Send some sunshine & warm temps my way, will ya?!

Kelly said...

He looks so big sitting up! Glad to hear things are going well. We're probably going to do swim classes too!