Tuesday, March 3, 2009

Kids playing ball

Elizabeth sleeping because of her fever Sunday

Elizabeth seems to be doing ok, But for some reason she has been running a fever all day Sunday then at night only the past couple of days around 101.6 to 102.0 and I have no idea why. When she gets up in the morning it is 99.0 so I have been sending her to school every day this week. She has been acting fine playing outside. She is a little congested and sneezing but it has been windy here the past couple of days, I am praying her Asthma does not flare up again.
Alicia is doing great she is healthy and running around causing havic :)
Richard is also doing good working every day they just picked up a new customer at work which will bring in more freight. This is always a good thing....
Logan is Logan scooting all over the place on his back, He follows me every where I go, into the bathroom, kitchen. Throwing his toys all over the place marking his territory. It is so cute to see him getting around every where and he is fast. If this boy could crawl/walk I would be in very big trouble.
I am doing good still working on my scrap booking, my supplies finally came in the mail so now I can get back to it.
Tonight I have been cutting all my coupons and filing them there are some good deals going on this week at Walgreen's and Albertsons. So I have been cutting coupons and matching everything up so I can hit the town tomorrow :)
I also have a Doctor's Appt tomorrow I have just been really tired these past 10 months I always thought it was due to my very heavy periods loosing alot of blood. But I had my last period in January right before my Hysterectomy, So I know that is not it. Maybe my Thyroid I am not sure they will probably do some blood work. I am just tired of feeling tired all the time. So we will see. Logan has therapy tomorrow afternoon also.

1 comment:

The Portas said...

You and Kathy are the bargain ladies! You should hit up the bargains with coupons in hand together! :)

It's so good to hear that Logan is scooting around so much. That's a great sign!

Praying for a FULLY healthy home for you guys.