Elizabeth on the Scooter Board Race

Alicia in the Sponge relay race
Alicia jumping in there air they won this activity

Showing off there Ribbons
OMG! I have the best news ever. Logan can now get in a sitting position from laying down all by himself. YEAH FOR LOGAN. He just did it 5 minutes ago. I just got done feeding him his Formula through his G-tube and he threw up. So I took him up stairs to change him and I put him in his crib for bed and all of a sudden he just sits up all by himself. Then he lays himself down and then sits up again, he does this over and over. I was crying I was so excited this is so huge for him.
On another note I was able to go to Field day today for the girls they did so good. Elizabeth's Team came in First place, Alicia's Team came in Fifth place. They got ribbons. There were 7 different events. I was so happy I was able to be there for them.
Logan's nose is still running like crazy and he is congested. I have not taken him to the Doctor yet because he only coughs a little bit and it did not get any worse. I will just have to wait and see what happens.
The Girls are doing much better Elizabeth still has a cough but her breathing treatments seem to be helping her. Alicia is not coughing any more the Allergy medicine is helping her.
Thanks for checking in on us. Have a great weekend I know I will :)
1 comment:
What WONDERFUL news! GO LOGAN! The "little" (big to us) things like this are enough to make us heart mamas cry our eyes out. I'm sooo happy for Logan. This is a really good sign of physical progress.
I'm glad you were able to be at field day for the girls. How fun!! Ribbons and everything!
Have a good Monday! xo
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