Friday, April 24, 2009

Today has been a very stressful and Emotional day for me. It all started at 5:30am Logan woke up crying and Hungry because he threw up his feed the night before. Today we went to the Cardiologist for his Sedation Echo so he was unable to eat anything. Logan's Leaky Heart Valve is doing great it is a mild leak which is normal for him. I found out today He will have to have his next Heart Surgery in August. They are scheduling his next Echo in July and his Heart Cath the first week of August and then the Surgery. He will have to have a Fontan Shunt put in. If you are not familiar with this procedure this is what they will be doing.

The Fontan Procedure
This type of surgery is used for children with complex congenital heart disease where the child cannot have surgery that gives them two pumping chambers and it usually undertaken at two to three years of age. It is designed to direct the blood coming back from the body directly to the lungs, without it being pumped there by the heart. Many patients will previously have had a bidirectional Glenn shunt. Which Logan has already had.
The Fontan is an open heart procedure during which the unoxygenated blood returning from the lower part of the body is diverted directly to the pulmonary (lung) artery without passing through the right ventricle. This may be achieved in several different ways all of which connect the inferior vena cava directly to the lung artery, allowing the de-oxygenated blood flow to the lungs while the ventricle pumps the oxygenated blood to the body. The procedure relies on blood flowing to the lungs without the benefit of a pump so it is not suitable for patients with pulmonary hypertension (high lung artery pressure).

So I have been Crying alot today I am not looking forward to this. After we left the Doctors office Logan was so mad and tired he screamed all the way home and I cried because of the news I rcvd. And when we got home he threw the biggest tantrum I have ever seen. I mean he was screaming and thrashing his body around hitting his head it was bad. So I started to cry because of the way he was acting. I just lost it, So I put him to bed he finally fell asleep two hours later he wakes up crying again and more tantrums. Thanks goodness Richard woke up and was there to help me so I could step outside and take a breather. He has been cranky all day today I feel so bad for him it was just a bad day today. I got a call from my good friend Kathy (Her son also has a Heart Defect) the call could not have come at a better time. We were on the phone for awhile and she was making me laugh. Kathy thanks again for the call and your friendship :)

The Doctor told me this is a routine procedure he will be in the Hospital for a week and this is the easiest one out of all the Heart Surgery's they have done on Logan. I am thinking you are going to cut my son's chest open and perform Open Heart Surgery it might be easy for you but not for me.

Thanks for checking in on us.


Tina:0) said...

Oh, I know the feeling of them saying "this is easy." Like you said, not if its YOUR child!

So sorry you had a bad day, but glad to know that your husband & Kathy were able to help out!

He's gonna do just fine! And we'll all be here to help you through!

Kathy said...

Cheer up..
i hope your monday is going better..
get out to walgreens...that'll put a smile on your face!!!
i can't stay away from that place!!!

The Portas said...

Ohhhh, I am so sorry for your bad day. :( I know the journey leading up to surgery is no fun, but please know that you have a lot of support and we will hold your hand through all of it. Think of how good it will feel to be on the other side of the Fontan.

As for the tantrums.. it always seems like Elijah picks particularly bad times to get sassy. Almost like he senses when things aren't peachy, so he takes on the same sad/upset attitude.

I hope you start to feel better and that things become a little more balanced in your house. Sending you prayers of peace!

Kelly said...

August? Man, that's right around the corner. I'll keep you in my thoughts and prayers that everything will go just fine. Hopefully he's feeling better soon. Take care.