I wanted to let everyone know that Logan is home from the Hospital and doing great. He has alot of gagging so we are sticking to pedialyte all day today. I put him down for a nap as soon as we got home and he has been sleeping for about 2 hours now. He is just really groggy and irritable. We will be taking it easy today.
They did not have to put an I.V. in him just a mask to knock him out a little bit and numb the area and went in and clipped the tongue underneath, it will take getting used to for a couple of days but he will be just fine. I just have to give him Tylenol.
Thanks for checking in on our family
I am so glad everything went well! I hope the little man gets the rest he needs and is back to himself quickly.
So glad that he's home & it went well! Sounds like a night of popsicles!! Heal quick, little man!!
Yahoo he's home so quickly and everything went so well. Let's hope he recovers quickly and really benefits from this little nip.
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