Thursday, June 25, 2009

Sorry it has taken me awhile to post I have been running around like as mad woman. Wednesday was the girls last day for cooking class and today was there last day of swimming class until July. Friday is there last day of dancing class.. YEAH for me.

Between taking the girls to there activities and running Logan around town with his Therapy and Doctors Appt we have been eating out all week long, I have not had time to do anything.

Yesterday Logan went and saw Dr Stewart he is an Orthopedic, Logan got measured for Leg braces and we should have them in 3 weeks I am so excited this will really help him in standing and next we will be getting a walker. Since his Heart surgery is coming up the Doctor said he might wait until after the surgery it all depends on how well he does with the braces. He did do x-rays on his hips and everything is fine which I new it would be.

I have some really exciting news to share We are MOVING we got pre-approved for a Loan, we started looking this evening and will meet up with our Realtor this Saturday to look at some more homes. We are looking into getting a bigger home we are running out of room. Plus we do not like the area we are living in it was nice 3 1/2 years ago when they were built.
So Richard and I are really excited we are hoping to move before the end of August before the girls start school at least that is our goal.

Tomorrow Mark our Speech therapist from Nevada Early Intervention is coming over to work with Logan on eating and talking. In the past 4 days Logan has said three new words "Purple, Yellow and Bubbles" it is not really clear but you can understand him if you know what he is saying. He said Bubbles today at therapy and he is signing really good of course he can only sign "more" but he knows when to use it most of the time with out being asked to. He is really starting to blossom it is just an awesome sight to see.


Tina:0) said...

3 words today... quiet is gone tomorrow! He's gonna be talking your leg off before you know it!

Moving!! Oh, how fun! There are some days I would love to move... then I remember we just did 4 years ago. Not ready to do it again, just yet!

Good luck on finding a new place!

Jeannie said...

That was a newsy post! Are you going to sell your house? There are a bunch of nice houses for sale in our neighborhood! You should move back over here! :) Dr. Stewart treated Kyla for her broken leg and broken pinky so we are familiar with him.

The Portas said...

It is soooo awesome to watch the "blossoming" unfold, isn't it? Yay for Logan!

How wonderful about moving! Oh I wish we could move. We are unfortunately stuck in our house for a while. Good luck house hunting! We will pray everything goes smoothly for you guys.

Have a great weekend! xo

Kathy said...

he's talking and signing??

I tried calling you this weekend!
Call me back and the kiddos can come over to swim!