Thursday, August 20, 2009

Thanks so much for all of your prayers, Logan is doing good right now. The surgery only took 3 hours better than expected. We were finally able to see him at 8:30pm. He came off of the bypass machine just fine. Logan also had some bone protruding out of his chest and they were able to go in and shave it off, They found out that is was Cartilage. He had the Fontan Shunt put in just fine. They were also able to close his chest up.
I forgot the word for it but they also cut open his heart and made a small hole and put in a wire thing to help him heal faster. Six months from now he will go in and have a Heart Cath and they will be able to remove it and then close the hole and when they do this he will be able to SAT in the high 90's, But until then we will be sating in the low 80's. He will still have a big hole in his heart (VSD).
We did stay with him for a little while he is running a fever right now and his Heart rate is very high in the low 200's. When I left they were giving him 2oz of Volume to help bring down his heart rate. There goal is to get him extubated by the morning, They like to do this because of the procedure that was done. After extubation he will be on Oxygen.

We will go back in the morning and spend the day with him.

1 comment:

Wendy said...

Hello....I was just visiting Isaac's blog and read that your brave little boy just had another heart surgery. I wanted to let you know that I will be praying for him, and for all of you.

Heart Hugs,
Wendy (& Emma, too!)