Thursday, September 17, 2009

Well I finally have some good news to share we signed our Loan Documents last night, Since our Mortgage Company is out of California they had a notary come to our house. The Paperwork was FedEx to the lender and we are hoping to have our keys Friday night if not hopefully Monday. As it is getting closer I am getting more excited.

Today I was at my Mom's house all day and we went shopping. I found an 8'x11' area rug to put under our kitchen table since there is carpet I wanted an area rug to go underneath.

Today for the first time Logan held a spoon and fed himself Vanilla pudding, he did not get alot on his spoon but he was doing a very good job of holding the spoon and putting it in his mouth, My Mom took like 50 pictures of him eating with his spoon we were so excited what a huge step.
It was so cute at first he had no idea what to do with the spoon it took some time and after watching Mommy and Nana he new what to do. YEAH Logan.

The girls Dentist Appointment got rescheduled for next Tuesday, Elizabeth was a bit disappointed since she will have to wait to have her teeth pulled so she can get money from the tooth fairy.

Richard has been doing good, He went out to Arizona last night and had to wait three hours for his meet driver to show up, so he got home late this morning. He had a 14 hour day. He was so tired he had to call me on the cell phone and we talked for almost an hour so he could stay awake and not fall asleep on the road. My poor hubby has been working so hard this week.


Kathy said...

Could you please send Logan over the show Isaac how to use a spoon...

Isaac just eats the opposite end...
and would NEVER dream of putting it in food first!!

fingers crossed that you get your house keys!!!

The Portas said...

Oh Logan, good job!! What a big boy! I'm so happy to see this. And how nice that he's feeding Mommy, too! :)

Yuck, that's a long work day for Richard. I hope he was/is able to get some catch-up rest.

Oooo, the new house is practically yours! I bet you are getting excited. I can't wait to see pics of the new place very soon!

Tina:0) said...

Yay for the paperwork to be done! Now comes the moving;0)

Great job Logan on using the spoon! I babysit for a little guy who'll be 2 in November & he still has a hard time using utensils, so you're one up!

As for talking on the phone to keep Richard awake... been there, done that! Jon was all over the eastern US this week: Cincinnati to Georgia to North Carolina to Ohio to Maryland. He's supposed to be home tonight!

Hope you guys have a nice weekend... full of packing & moving!

Jeannie said...

I love hearing abourt Logan's accomplishments! It looks like he is feeling pretty good!