Monday, September 28, 2009

Wow what a weekend I spent all weekend at the new house cleaning it with the help of my Mom on Saturday and Richard on Sunday. Richard was able to work Saturday which really helped us out.

Everything is really coming along, it should be move in ready Saturday. Painting is being done today and tomorrow the new appliances get delivered.

These past few weeks Logan has learned to do new things. My Mom taught him Patty Cake so every time you say Logan you want to play patty cake he will clap his hands and throw them in the air it is the cutest thing.
Also when you ask Logan if he is stinky he will squeeze his nose
Logan used to scoot on his back everywhere to get around, but ever since he came home from his Heart Surgery last month he has been scooting on his bottom instead and he is very good and quick at this. I don't think he will ever crawl he will just go straight to walking. When I get settled in I will have to take a video to show you.

The girls are doing good. Elizabeth had a Doctors appt today to see Dr McKnight for her Asthma, it was just a checkup she is doing really good all that medication she is taking is really helping her no flair ups yet lets hope it stays that way.

All of us are going to go and get our Flu shots next week and in October we are going to be getting the H1N1 shot as well. The Doctor really wants Elizabeth to get the H1N1 shot so that she will stay healthy and have no problems.

Thanks for checking in on us.


The Portas said...

Congratulations on officially being homeowners!!! YAY, finally! Good luck getting things cleaned up and moved in. Moving into a new place is soo much fun (minus the packing/unpacking, of course).

I want to see Logan scooching everywhere on his bum! Elijah did that for a while, too. It's really funny.

Have a good, productive week and CONGRATS again!

Anonymous said...

Congratulations on your new house! Have fun! Love, Teresa & Rod

Unknown said...

Congratulations on the house! Looks like alot of exciting things going on in your house. :)

I'm so glad Logan is learning how the hold a spoon. Isn't it crazy how the things other people take for granted is HUGE to us! Way to go Logan!

Hope you have an awesome week.