Tuesday, February 2, 2010

The Sickies have been going on around here in our household. Alicia caught it first she said her Teacher coughed on her and them a few days later she got sick who then passed it on to Logan who then passed it on to me. I started feeling Yucky Sunday morning cough, sneezing, running nose and congestion. So Sunday I layed around all day and Richard my loving Husband took care of everything and Monday I slept on the couch off and on in between taking care of Logan and Richard cooked Dinner again last night. I am so thankful to have such a loving and caring Husband, I love you Baby.

I am starting to feel better today and so is everyone else we still have the sniffles but chugging right along. The kids are not that bad to where they had to miss any school. Thank goodness for that. Here are a couple of pictures I took this morning before taking the kids to school notice Logan is still in his PJ's :) He is such a Ham....
I almost forgot to mention Elizabeth lost another tooth, she was outside playing Sunday and it fell out everyone looked for it on the Concrete outside but no luck. But the Tooth Fairy still came for a visit :)


Kelly said...

Sorry to hear everyone has been down and out. Yuck! Hopefully things get better soon! =)

Kathy said...

for YOU...I'm posting a comment...
sorry you guys have been sick..
get those germ outta there before next week!!
Do you need me to send you some lysol???

The Portas said...

Sounds like we are doing the sickies together! Sorry to hear you guys were hit, as well. I hope everyone is back to 100% very very soon! And I LOVE the pics. Absolutely adorable. xo