Monday, March 1, 2010

We are all home now and getting settled in. Logan's Procedure started at 7:30am and was done by 10am, we were able to go back and see him at 11am. He had to be in recovery for 6 hours and that was very hard trying to keep a 2 1/2 year old still so he does not develop any blood clots. He was really a trooper. To try and keep him calm Richard turned on Sesame Street on his cell phone and that helped a little. They mostly had to keep him drugged up because he was just screaming and because of this he could not keep anything down.

The Doctor said Everything went great. They started out by doing an Echo to make sure everything was clear and there were no clots. After the procedure was over the Doctor said it looks like he will have to come back in a couple of years to have a stint put in between the two shunts because his left Artery is very narrow.
Logan will keep his bandage on for tonight then tomorrow I can replace with a band aid. He has been very fussy and does not want to go to bed so tonight is going to be a very long night.
I just got done giving him 5oz of Pedialyte and he threw that up, He is just not keeping anything down. He should feel better in the morning.

Thanks so much for the Prayers, we really appreciate it.

1 comment:

The Portas said...

I'm so glad everything went well! Phew! Another thing behind you, right?

And I feel your pain on the six hours of lying flat. Those six hours are always pretty awful for us, as we hold down our little boy who feels icky.

I'm glad it is behind you and that you are safe at home. Give Logan a big smooch for me!! xo