Back in June when we went to Child Find to get tested to see if Logan was eligible to enter the School District to go to Pre-K I was told that Logan needs to see a Pediatric Opthamologist his eyes do not look right. Well I made the appointment it took three months to get in and we finally saw Dr Nelson yesterday she discovered that Logan has Duane Syndrome is a eye muscle disorder you can read about it here The Doctor said there is a chance of him having eye surgery to correct it but he will have to be monitored to find out. The Doctor also dilated Logan's eyes and found out that he does not need any glasses at the moment. She also told me that it could over time cause hearing loss she asked me if he had his hearing checked lately I said yes back in June and everything was fine. So this is just another hurdle we have to over come and stay strong about.
After that appointment we headed on over to the Chiropractor to get him adjusted one leg is longer than the other but after she adjusted him the problem was fixed.
My Mom has been sick with Bronchitis so I did some running around for her getting her Grocery's and other things. I feel so bad for her she just feels awful.
Richard is out of town today so it is just the kids and I, We will probably stay home all day so the girls can play with there friends oh and I will most likely make a trip to the library.
Hope everyone enjoys there weekend. Thank you for checking in on us.
I want to thank you again for going shopping for me, you are such a sweet daughter :)
Love Mom
You are such an incredible mom! Not to mention daughter, wife, friend & cousin! :) Your children are very lucky to have you for a mom. You amaze me. Have a super week. (And give your mom a big hug for me. I had bronchitus fun) :( Love you all.
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