Monday, September 27, 2010

Let me first start out by saying it is so stinken HOT, today is 105 and it is the end of September..

OK this past week has been so crazy I had no time to post. I just put Logan down for a nap so now I have time to catch up.

Little Mr. Logan has had quite the personality he is learning and doing so much every day. We will copy almost everything you say and do, that being said I hand the girls have to be very careful about what we say around Logan. He now knows how to say and use MEAN in an appropriate manner. When the girls are playing around and being mean to each other Logan will say Meany to them. Then he will say "be ni" which means be nice. He will tell the girls all the time NO and NO MINE. He has quite the temper when he does not get his way or get what he wants. He has learned a lot of bad habits from the girls, he will watch them very closely at what they do and say.

Saturday afternoon all the kids were playing out front so we took Logan and his fire truck ride along out front on the side walk. Were we live the sidewalk has a slope going down and I would put him at the top were we live and let him ride down it which is about 5 houses down and he had a blast he would lift his legs in the air so he could go faster and he even stopped himself when he was done. He would laugh going down, while I tried to chase him so he would not fall off. I swear I almost had a Heart attack I was more afraid of him falling off the thing then he was. He had so much fun we did this a couple of times. And of course I forgot to take pictures. When it cools down I will take him out front and get some pics.
Over the weekend Logan kept on going into the office and by himself with out me asking he would go in and drag his walker over to me were I was sitting and say Mama and pat on the walker. So I lifted him up got him to stand and he took steps all by himself, I was so excited he did not even need my help with holding him. I did remember to get pictures of that :)

Thursday was Logan's first day taking the bus home from School. I thought I would try it out, They drop him off right out front of our house. And he loved it the Bus Driver said he never cried and when he got off he had smiles on his face. I am trying to get him to take the bus in the morning to School but I want the girls to ride with him it would be a Sibling ride along which has to be approved through the School, I should now something in a few weeks if the girls can ride along with him, I think it would be so neat if they could.

The girls are being stinkers they have been getting on my nerves with fighting and tattle tailing all week. I hope this week will be different, I can only hope right...
They have been busy with doing homework and reading to me every day oh and playing with there friends when there homework is all done.

Richard is doing great working very hard for his family he has vacation coming up the first week of November, which I am looking forward to. I told him we will have to go shopping with me for Christmas gifts since he has off. He was really happy to hear that :)

Other than that everyone is healthy and doing great just always busy busy busy....
Thanks for checking in on our family.

Saturday, September 18, 2010

Back in June when we went to Child Find to get tested to see if Logan was eligible to enter the School District to go to Pre-K I was told that Logan needs to see a Pediatric Opthamologist his eyes do not look right. Well I made the appointment it took three months to get in and we finally saw Dr Nelson yesterday she discovered that Logan has Duane Syndrome is a eye muscle disorder you can read about it here The Doctor said there is a chance of him having eye surgery to correct it but he will have to be monitored to find out. The Doctor also dilated Logan's eyes and found out that he does not need any glasses at the moment. She also told me that it could over time cause hearing loss she asked me if he had his hearing checked lately I said yes back in June and everything was fine. So this is just another hurdle we have to over come and stay strong about.

After that appointment we headed on over to the Chiropractor to get him adjusted one leg is longer than the other but after she adjusted him the problem was fixed.

My Mom has been sick with Bronchitis so I did some running around for her getting her Grocery's and other things. I feel so bad for her she just feels awful.

Richard is out of town today so it is just the kids and I, We will probably stay home all day so the girls can play with there friends oh and I will most likely make a trip to the library.

Hope everyone enjoys there weekend. Thank you for checking in on us.

Wednesday, September 15, 2010

Yesterday was a busy day. Logan did not go to School yesterday because he had a Doctors Appointment with the Neurologist. So I drop the girls off at School and I have just enough time to squeeze in some grocery shopping so I head on over to Walmart. First I go over to the apparel area and I found some P.J's for Logan for Winter on clearance for $2 I was so excited I went through and grabbed all of the 4T Sponge Bob and Cars pajama's, well while I am doing this there is a shelf full of shirts and Logan takes it upon him self to put ever shirt in my basket which I had no idea he was doing because I was so excited I found P.J's for $2. So I put every shirt back on the shelve, did I fold them no I did not have anytime. Am I a bad person for not doing that probably so.
I continue my shopping and the next deal I find is .75 for lunchables so I wiped out there stock at this price. I pick up a few more items and Logan decides to turn around in the cart and put everything he can in his lap and try to open it so he can eat it. We get to the check out and he helps me put things on the belt to be rung up. As I am putting the bags in the cart he decides to take food out of the bag and give them to the people behind us by throwing it in there cart.

We come home eat lunch and off we go again to see the Neurologist she said he is doing OK he is still very low tone and his legs are like jello, and that he will be able to walk in a few years, everything she told me I already new. Except I think he will be walking in about 1 year.

We head home again so Logan can eat. I swear to you I felt like I was feeding and changing his butt all day long in between running errands and going to the doctor's.

By this time it is time to go pick up the girls from School they come home and we have to hurry up and do homework we finished in half an hour with A LOT of my help. We are about to head out the door again so I can drop them off at activity day's when I noticed Logan destroyed the computer room he got a hold of the Monster pencil sharpener and took the bottom out and got pencil shavings all over the place and then he got into the bottom drawer and opened up a half opened package of computer paper and riped almost all of the paper, and he took out all his medical supplies and there were supplies everywhere. I guess this is what I get for not paying him any attention and helping my girls with there homework. I love the boy to death but he has become a handful lately.

I drop the kids off at activity day's come home feed Logan again an hour later it is time to go pick them up and we have half an hour to eat so we head on over to Dell Taco were they have taco's 3 for $1. I love Taco Tuesday in our house. After this we head on over to the School were they are having Back to School night I got to talk with all there teachers and they are all doing pretty good.
We head home and it's bath time for everyone. Feed Logan again and everyone is in bed at 8:30 including myself I was so tired I passed right out. THE END

Sunday, September 12, 2010

We have all been super busy around here all week long.
This weekend was spent doing errands the entire time and doing tons of laundry.
With Homework after School everyday it has been so stressful, the girls get assigned homework to do every day and then it is due the next day, well we have been doing homework every night for 2 hours each night. SO I made a call to there Teacher's and said this is getting ridiculous there is just way to much homework to do and it is taking us 2 hours every night. I don't have the time or the patience for this. Homework should not take any more than 45 minutes each night to do. (this is my opinion) My gosh I am trying to do everything by myself. Richard is home every other day and when he is home it is for 2 hours then he has to leave again. I do believe in giving homework don't get me wrong but 2 hours every night is just ludicrous. So the teacher's said I could do 30-45 minutes of homework and that would be fine.

And Logan that boy is beginning to be a handful. He loves to spend all of time on his Fire Truck ride along riding all over the house and he has started to stand up while on his ride along and grab everything is site and throw it. I LOVE the fact that he is standing every time he is on the thing but he is just getting into everything you have to keep a close eye on this boy because he is very quick :)
Logan is starting to get adjusted to School, he will fuss every day that I drop him off but as soon as the Teacher takes him away he stops fussing. He is also participating in snack time he will eat snacks and drink juice with all the other kids now.
Logan is doing awesome when it comes to eating by mouth for lunch today he ate Mac & Cheese and drank some juice threw a straw from his cup, he did so good I did not even have to feed him by G-Tube, This will happen every so often I am just super excited.

Tuesday, September 7, 2010

We had a great long weekend.

Saturday I just hung out at the house all day while Richard was out of town. The girls had there friends over all day playing.

Sunday we had over a lot of our Neighborhood friends and Barbecued Hamburgers and hot dogs. We had tons of fun entertaining.

Monday we had over my parents and we barbecued Chicken. Needless to say Richard was Barbecuing all weekend long :)

Today it's back to the old grindstone. Woke up this morning to rain. After I drop the girls off I swing around to the front of the School and drop off Logan and as soon as I pull up he starts to fuss. I bring him inside the school because of the rain and we wait inside he just starts to cry and I tried so hard to pull back my tears. When the teacher took him away he was fine, I think for him is just getting to that point. He really knows how to rip out my heart and I feel so guilty leaving him. But I do find comfort in knowing that when the teacher does take him away he always stops crying. That is what gets me through the day.

I was going to go t the Library after I dropped the kids off but it was raining so hard I had a really hard time seeing the lines on the freeway so I came home and folded a ton of laundry put it all away and now it is time to go get Logan. The 2 1/2 hours just fly by.

Home work starts today for the girls and I am not looking forward to that ):

Thursday, September 2, 2010

I pull in the parking space to drop Logan off at School Yesterday and he starts to hyperventilate and cry, he calmed down when he saw his Teacher. He had a good day only cried for 20 minutes.

This morning I pull up to the School and he starts to cry again, I think he is finally realizing that when I drop the girls off for School he is next. He did fuss when we pulled up and got out of the Car. But when his Teacher took him he was fine and he gave me 4 kisses which I loved. He did not even cry today at all when in School. He had a really good day. Now he just has to get used to being there every day and feeling comfortable to be able to have snack time.

Logan will be happy tomorrow when I drop the girls off and he does not have to get out of the Car. He only attends School Mon-Thurs. And next Monday there is also no School because of the Holiday so I hope he does not think he is never going back after this long break.

Yesterday Elizabeth stayed home from School she had no fever but was very pale, congested and just not feeling well. She caught a cold from Logan just a little worse. She is doing a little better and was able to go back to School today.

Richard is doing good, working very hard for his family. I miss him so much. I will have Sunday and Monday with him which is perfect because all the kids will be out on Monday so we will be able to do something together as a family :)